Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty summoner tier list: Who are best companionsinthegame
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is Koei Tecmo's latest take on the Soulslike formula. Similar to the studio's previous offering, Nioh, this title poses a stiff challenge to players by pitting them against powerful threats.
As an RPG, the game allows gamers to take companions with them on their adventures. Each of these entities has their own perks, letting players spice up their playstyle.
With over a dozen recruitable companions in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty — each with unique bonuses, attack patterns, and effects — which ones stand out the most? To find out, let's rank all 17 companions in the game from best (S-tier) to worst (C-tier).
The best companions in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty ranked
S: Cheng Pu, Cao Cao, Hong Jing
A: Guan Yu, Xun Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, Zhao Yun
B: Guo Jia, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Xiahou Dun
C: Sun Quan, Xiahou Yuan
S-tier: Cheng Pu, Cao Cao, Hong Jing
Starting with a top pick in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Cheng Pu can be considered the best overall companion in the game. Using a Slashing Spear, this entity specializes in the Fire element. His primary effect removes any negative debuffs from the user on performing Fatal Strikes.
However, it is his secondary one that is the most useful. To put it simply, players will regain HP on every melee strike when using this companion. Given how crucial health management is in this Souls-inspired game, this perk is invaluable.
The Metal and sword-wielding Cao Cao, on the other hand, is also a good pick. His primary effect allows enemies with negative status effects to take 4% increased damage, while his secondary enables the detection of Marking Flags, which are banners that grant a boost to Morale.
Wrapping up the S-tier is Hong Jing, who will immediately appeal to magic-build users. Affiliated with the Wood element, his primary effect reduces Wizardry Spell Spirit consumption by 2.6%, and the secondary effect increases Wizardry Spell damage by 4%.
A-tier: Guan Yu, Xun Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, Zhao Yun
The Earth-based Glaive-using Guan Yu is the ideal A-tier pick in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. While his secondary effect only grants HP restoration upon Critical Blow deflection, the primary one reduces the damage received by players by 2.4%.
Xen Yu is a Wood-specialist with a Sword and also grants HP restoration by 2.4% as well as +9.6% to Genuine Qi obtention.
The two Zhangs also promote an aggressive playstyle. Zhang Fei increases the user's Martial Arts damage by 3.6% while also reducing the damage received by the player while attacking by 2.6%. Martial Arts are special attacks that consume Spirit, so those who like to rely on them can use this companion. Zhang Liao uses Straight Sabres with the Water element. His perks increase Power gain while also reducing Martial Arts Spirit consumption by 2.6%.
Zhao Yun is for those who wish to deflect incoming damage and punish foes with Spirit damage. His primary effect increases Spirit gain on deflecting by 4% and also drops Martial Arts Spirit consumption by 2.6%. He uses a Spear with the Earth element.
B-tier: Guo Jia, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Sun Jian, Xiahou Dun
Guo Jia in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a Metal Staff-wielder. He increases enemy status effect accumulation by 7.2% while also increasing negative effect duration on foes by 3.6%. This supplements Cao Cao well.
Han Dang, meanwhile, is all about damage reduction as he decreases incoming damage from ranged attacks by 2.9 and also during Martial Arts. Then there's Liu Bei with the Wood Element and Dual Swords, who grants stat bonuses: +18 to HP and +24 to Alliance Spirit Defense. Huang Gai, on the other hand, possesses the Water element while working with the Dual Sabres. He grants +24 HP Recovery on performing a Fatal Strike while also increasing Fatal Strike damage by 4.6%.
The Sun duo specializes in Spirit. The Fire element and Dual Sabre-clad Sun Ce is a good choice for those relying on Spirit attacks, as he increases Spirit gain from normal attacks by 3.6% and decreases Spirit damage received from foes while attacking by 3.5%. Sun Jian uses Curved Sabre with the Metal element and increases Spirit attack damage by 3.6+ and also improves Spirit Sustainability by +18.
Finally, Xiahou Dun can increase status effect resistance by 7.2% while also decreasing Spirit consumption by 2.2%. He uses a Poleaxe and is affiliated with the Earth element.
C-tier: Sun Quan, Xiahou Yuan
At the bottom are the two companions who offer the least useful bonuses in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Sun Quan is a sword user of the Metal element. His primary effect makes enemies take increased damage on using ranged attacks, while his secondary replenishes one ammo per Fatal Strike.
The Water-element, Straight-Sabre hoisting Xiahou Yuan also boosts ranged attack damage by 4.2% and grants 7.2% ammo retrieval upon ranged attack. Given Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a melee-oriented game, these ranged perks are incredibly situational to the point where all other companions offer better performances in battle.
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is available on the PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.
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