Where is Enrique Arochi today? Whereabouts explored ahead of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered episode
Enrique Arochi stood trial in September 2016 in the disappearance of 23-year-old Christina Morris, who was last seen alive in Plano city on August 30, 2014. He was found guilty of kidnapping Morris, whose skeletal remains were found in Anna, Texas, over a year after his conviction.
According to reports and evidence acquired during the investigation into Morris' disappearance, Arochi was the last person with whom she was last seen. Surveillance video captured the two walking towards a parking garage after a night out with friends in the early morning hours of the day she went missing. Moreover, her DNA was found on the mat in his car's trunk.
Arochi was given a life sentence after a jury found him guilty of aggravated kidnapping. He is currently serving time at the maximum-security French M. Robertson Unit in Abilene, Texas.
Oxygen's Dateline: Secrets Uncovered will further delve into Christina Morris' missing case and subsequent murder in an upcoming episode titled Frantic, which is scheduled to air on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 9 pm ET. The synopsis of the episode states:
"After Christina, the twenty-three-year-old fashionista, goes out to a high-end shopping mall on a Friday night and vanishes, police question everyone; they know someone is lying, but not who."DNA evidence and cell phone records were used to prove Enrique Arochi's involvement in the disappearance of Christina Morris
Accused kidnapper Enrique Arochi and Fort Worth resident Christina Morris, 23, were last seen entering a parking garage in 2014. According to security footage obtained during the initial investigation, Morris reportedly disappeared after the two were seen together in the early morning of August 30.
The missing case of the Fort Worth woman remained unsolved for two years, and it wasn't until September 2016 that a jury found the 26-year-old man guilty of aggravated kidnapping. According to reports, Moris was last seen walking with Arochi into the parking garage of a posh shopping complex in a Dallas suburb.
Prosecutors obtained surveillance footage that showed Morris and Arochi entering the parking garage at The Shops at Legacy in Plano at 3.55 am on the day the former disappeared. According to them, Arochi's 2010 Chevrolet Camaro left the garage within three minutes. Cell tower data showed that Arochi and Morris' phones were still together an hour later.
Additionally, prosecutors informed the jury that Arochi's car's trunk mat carried Morris' DNA. Three days after Morris went missing, the police located her car in the parking garage.
Enrique Arochi's defense disputed the DNA results and called a specialist to testify that the cell tower data might not be accurate. The defense alleged that Hunter Foster, Morris' then-boyfriend who was serving a 33-month federal prison term for conspiracy to distribute MDMA, might have been involved in her abduction.
Arochi's defense objected to the state's constant emphasis on him and attempted to discredit the case against Arochi by claiming that it was circumstantial and that there was "no evidence of what, when, where, or how."
Where is Enrique Arochi now?
After 17 hours of deliberation, the jury returned a guilty verdict in the case against Enrique Arochi, and a court sentenced him to life in prison. Arochi even requested a new trial, but once Morris' skeletal remains were found in March 2018, the Fifth District Court of Appeals in Texas in Dallas upheld the trial court's decision. He remains guilty of kidnapping, not murder.
Arochi was never charged with murder in Christina's death, likely because he was already serving a lengthy life sentence. Moreover, it was impossible to determine the exact cause of her death due to the lack of skin or other body tissue.
According to reports, Enrique Arochi is currently serving time at the maximum-security French M. Robertson Unit in Abilene, Texas, and does not have a scheduled release date. But as per the Department of Corrections records, he will most likely become eligible for parole on December 12, 2044.
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